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Off the Grid: Sally breaks down Spring Forward

There are spoilers ahead. You might want to solve today’s puzzle before reading further! Spring Forward
Constructor: Dena R. Witkes
Editor: Amanda Rafkin
SPRING FORWARD: The first (FORWARD) word of each theme answer can be paired with the word SPRING to create a new phrase: SPRING BREAK, SPRING TRAINING, and SPRING CHICKEN.
Don’t panic, it’s not time to SPRING FORWARD with our clocks yet. (First we need to “fall back” in a few weeks, November 3 to be exact.) I always think it’s neat when the same title can be used for different themes. We’ve seen SPRING BREAK as a title before, on March 13, 2022, but that puzzle has a completely different theme from today’s puzzle. Does this theme have you feeling like a SPRING CHICKEN, and dreaming of SPRING BREAK and SPRING TRAINING? Thank you, Dena, for this enjoyable puzzle.
One more thing today: The Midwest Crossword Tournament is happening today in Chicago, Illinois. If you are at the tournament, please find me and say hello – I’d love to see you!
